Building Future Leaders

Would you like to make a difference?

Would you like to support young people?

Are you able to make a small donation?

If the answer is YES, then you can help by making donations to Westside Young Leaders Academy, ‘Support Future Leaders Fund’!

Your regular donation will help us to:

Continue to deliver our transformative leadership programme.

Expand our services and provide opportunities for more young people.

Transform the lives of our young people and help them to reach their true potential.

Our regular supporters will:

Receive a regular newsletter.

Receive invitations to special events and award ceremonies.

Be instrumental in supporting future generations now and in years to come.

We Thank You For Supporting Our Mission!

You can make regular donations or set up a standing order to WYLA using our Young Leaders Academy Details:

Account Holder: Young Leaders Academy Ltd

Bank Name: Barclays Bank PLC

Sort Code: 20-76-90 

Account Number: 93305627

Our Young Leaders Are Phenomenal:

Meet Some Of Them!

Our Parents Are Simply The Best -

Hear What Some Of Them Have To Say!

"The life skills that my children have gained by being a part of WYLA invaluable. Most people suffer with a fear of public speaking, but thanks to WYLA my children relish the opportunity to speak up and use their voice!"

Proud Parent

"The confidence and pride in being Black that our children have fill us with immense joy."

Proud Parent

"WYLA is a key factor in positively supporting every child's development and journey."

Proud Parent

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